The April dark moon rebirths with Spring, beckoning the energy of new beginnings to emerge.
Join this circle of women to learn the art of Sacred timekeeping, as illuminated by the moon and existing uniquely within you.
Reconnect with the undercurrent of your inherent feminine creative energy and refine clarity around the nature of Saraswati Shakti; for cultivating intuitive strength.
Basic practices will be explored to strengthen cellular, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.
Components of movement, meditations, mantra and journalling will be incorporated.
Bring a female friend, plus a favourite note pad and pen.
This Womens circle incorporates feminine practices of embodied Yoga and therefore some readiness for a gentle physical practice is necessary to get the most benefit from the time.
April 7th 1400-1600
Yoga Luna Bern, Switzerland
Registration now OPEN here
Inquiries welcome !