The importance of Group Yoga Classes

The land is reawakening and I'm resurfacing from a post equinox deep dive into my own personal transition to Spring. Detoxifying on all levels of being is a Yogi dedication seasonally and I really felt that, at this turn, I needed it !

Winter here in Swiss this year was long, and even as the cold days continue to endure, the 'Sunshine Practices' of Yoga have supported me in rediscovering inspiration and recommitting to all the things I need to do.

Honestly, this past winter has resembled a 'dark night'. Like so many others, I've felt tremendous loss and strange sensations of loneliness resulting from the Covid restrictions of simply not being able to socialise.

That includes the restrictions on teaching in person group Yoga Classes.

As a naturally inclined introvert, I love my quiet time and prefer intimate conversations with beloveds in small gatherings over large parties any day. However there is something so sacred about a group Yoga class space and I have realised just how important this refuge of teaching and receiving Yoga has been for me and many others who have felt the sting of loss in community. 

Even if for a few moments before we close our outer eyes and look within; before being guided to the breath, embodiment and feeling - looking to one another and connecting the heart energy of compassion, to share a story, a smile, or even a small ache is pure grace. 

Not to forget those little moments in class when a stumble, giggle or sigh supports the sweet surrender of the whole space..

Covid has been catastrophic:

Our shared humanity has been at stake and I'm completely humbled as to how we all managed to muddle through the winter here in Swiss with only our screens to meet. As truly magical, touching and awe inspiring as that's been, it'll sure be nice to find the balance with real time group classes again. 

Fortunately as off this week, the locks are lifting (again) and we can resume in the group Yoga Studio space. 

I for one am enthusiastically welcoming you back !
Please come and see me in person again on the Yoga mat - Find my class schedule here.

What about the online offerings ?

They will continue, it's too fun to stop - my reimagined offerings will continue to serve you, wherever you are in your world, in your practice, the best.

Find all the regularly updated juicy offerings sprinkled throughout my website and be sure to subscribe for special updates - I so appreciate and respect your time.

With love,


Photo Credit - Open Yoga Bern; Saturday 1030 class (pre Covid)